Orthodontic Training Program

For orthodontic treatment to be successful at any level, it is essential to have a clear understanding of normal growth and development of the dentofacial complex and to possess the skills to recognize developing malocclusion.
The course provides participants with this knowledge, which participants can build upon to improve their diagnostic skills. The scope of treatment and appliances that could be part of general practice will be included. Practical sessions include cephalometric analysis, orthodontic bracket positioning, and removable appliance adjustment. Clinical sessions include orthodontic appliance bonding and patient assessment.

Course Objective:

  • Interceptive treatment
  • Growth and development
  • Limited cases
  • Compromised cases
  • Air Rotor Stripping
  • Treatment planning
  • Practice and risk management

Course Structure:
Course participants are encouraged to bring patient records from their practice for assessment and evaluation.

  • Etiology
  • Surgical Orthodontics
  • Palatal expansion
  • Impactions
  • Facial esthetics
  • Space maintenance
  • Tongue thrust
  • Early treatment
  • TMD
  • Skeletal open bites
  • Retention

Treatment with selected removable and fixed appliances will be demonstrated. With this knowledge, course participants if they so wish, may be able to participate in Orthodontics II which is more clinically based and of longer duration. As a stand-alone course, participants will develop skills to recognize abnormal occlusions in both the developing and permanent dentitions, with guidelines for treatment options.

Course Objectives:

  • To enable you to more comprehensively service those who come to you for dental care.
  • To help you become knowledgeable and confident in using the Differential Straight-Arch Technique.
  • To facilitate your professional growth by providing an environment in which you will learn by active participation.