Aesthetic Dentistry Training Program

The course aims to introduce step-by-step clinical procedures, materials and treatment planning concepts on the following topics:

  • Occlusal records
  • Dental photography
  • Preparations for anterior veneers and crowns
  • Direct composite restorations (anterior and posterior)
  • Atraumatic extraction, site preservation, and anterior crown lengthening
  • Cementation of etchable ceramics.

Anticipated outcomes

(a) To have improved knowledge of the principles and practice of aesthetic dentistry, including direct and indirect restorations.

(b) To have improved ability in the practical procedures relevant in aesthetic dentistry.

(c) To have improved understanding in the integration of different dental disciplines to produce superior aesthetic outcomes

An innovative programme offering dental practitioners with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high quality functional dental restorations with optimal aesthetic value. Focused on providing dental care where there is a clinical need to restore oral health and function, the course also covers cosmetic and facial techniques.

  • Aesthetic smile evaluation,  pre-treatment case documentation, treatment planning.
  • Occlusal records for the aesthetic case (casts, face-bows, interocclusal registration, semi-adjustable articulators).
  • Anterior and posterior composite restorations/adhesive dentistry.
  • Ceramic restorations: veneers and crowns.
  • Aesthetic metal-ceramic crowns and bridges.
  • Aesthetic periodontics: anterior crown lengthening, extraction site preservation.
  • Aesthetics cements and cementation techniques for ceramic restorations.
  • Interdisciplinary treatment planning for complex aesthetic problems.

The main aim of the course is to train students in current concepts of dental restoration. To this end, the following specific objectives have been established:

  • To gain an in-depth understanding of dental physiology and anatomy.
  • To identify the various diseases that affect the tooth, determining their etiopathogenesis.
  • To learn to use the various tools of use for diagnosing dental disease.
  • To understand the properties of the different materials used in dental restorations.
  • To learn how to use the different materials used in dental restorations.
  • To understand and apply the various clinical techniques for dental restoration.
  • To establish case-selection and treatment-planning criteria for dental restoration.
  • To learn how to use the various training and IT systems concerning dental disease and restoration.
  • To relate dental restoration to other fields of dentistry and medicine to achieve comprehensive patient care.
  • To gain an introduction to dental restoration research