Prosthodontics Training Program

The long Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics at the Indian Academy of Dental Excellence offers in-depth instruction in fixed, removable, and implant prosthodontics. This educational experience is structured to provide residents with diagnostic and treatment planning fundamentals as well as the associated clinical skills necessary for the practice of prosthodontics as a specialty and/or to prepare them for a career in discipline-related teaching and research. In addition, instruction provided in the critical evaluation of available dental literature, didactic concepts, and research methodology, is focused on creating young professionals with the ability to become effective life-long learners.

Learning Objectives:
  • To ensure successful completion and presentation of treatment plans/treatment for patients requiring complex restorative care as required in the prosthodontics treatment planning seminar course.
  • To ensure successful completion all didactic courses associated with the program.
  • To ensure successful completion of all clinical courses associated with the program.
  • To ensure the development of a research protocol, completion of an associated project, interpretation of the results, preparation of a thesis and the ability to mount a successful defense, all leading to the awarding of an MS degree at the end of the program.
  • To ensure the development of a desire and the professional skills necessary for successful completion of American Board of Prosthodontics examination.
  • To ensure that residents can successfully prepare and present topical seminars in prosthodontics and engage in a review of the current and classic literature as required in the current and classical prosthodontics literature review seminar courses.
  • To ensure the opportunity for development of an interest not only in teaching and related skills but also in the importance of service to the community.
  • To solicit input on a regular basis from residents, program graduates, and faculty to identify program strengths and any weaknesses requiring correction and to make any necessary corrective changes